Cafe Altura, 有機咖啡,法式烘焙,研磨,10 盎司(283 克)
  • Robust, Intense & Smoky
  • The First Organic Coffee Co. 
  • Rain Washed, Sun Dried, Fire Roasted 
  • USDA Organic 
  • Certified Organic by CCOF 
In 1980 our founder, Chris Shepherd, traveled to a pioneering coffee farm in Chiapas, Mexico. There he found lovingly tended, organically grown coffee beans washed in rain water, dried by the sun, and hand-sorted by farmers devoted to quality and consistency.

As a result, Cafe Altura, the first organic coffee company in the United States, was created to share organic beans sourced from farms around the world with coffee lovers everywhere.

We roast only the highest quality beans, which deliver a rich, flavorful cup of coffee with a seductive aroma and smooth finish.

Cafe Altura coffee: Coffee grown the way Nature intended.
泡制說明:每 6 盎司冷過濾水加入兩湯匙咖啡粉。調味。

2 湯匙咖啡/6 盎司水


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