Atopalm, 泡沫洗面乳,5 液量盎司(150 毫升)
  • MLE - Skin Barrier Function 
  • Mild and pH Balanced Facial Foaming Cleanser 
Mild, pH balanced facial foaming cleanser that is perfect for everyday use. Envelop the face with rich foam to gently and efficiently melt away makeup and pollutants. Also, the special blend of Ceramides-9S and hyaluronic acid helps keep skin soft and hydrated even after cleansing.

MLE® (Multi-Lavender Emulsion) - MLE® perfectly imitates the natural multi-lamellar structure of healthy human skin. NeoPharm developed the long lasting skin protection with exclusive technology that is highly effective in forming a Skin Barrier for dry and sensitive skin. The special cross mark of MLE® symbolizes its lamellar structure which is identical to the human skin. MLE®, as a second skin, presents a new standard or derma-technology.
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