Natural Factors, 3 Brains,大腦防禦,90 粒素食膠囊
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Supports Memory and Overall Brain Function Through Healthy Inflammatory Responses
  • Purity & Potency Guaranteed
  • Suitable for Vegetarians/Vegans
"Nutrients from whole foods, exercise, and supplements are effective, non-invasive ways to support the 'three brains' interaction - optimize cognition and support a healthy mind." - Karen Jensen, ND

A Bold New Innovation In Healthy Mind Support!

Brain Defense provides critical support for memory and mind, and helps acute healthy inflammatory responses to support all three "brains": the head, heart, and gut.

Key IngredientsKey Benefits
CurcuminSupports acute healthy inflammatory responses
BacopaSupports memory, brain function, and healthy cortisol levels
Sensoril® AshwagandhaImproves resistance to symptoms of everyday stress (e.g., poor mood nervousness, fatigue)
BoswelliaSupports acute healthy inflammatory responses, memory, cognition, and learning
ChamomileSupports acute healthy inflammatory responses and calms the nervous and digestive systems

  • Gut - Directly engaged with the world
  • Head - Observing the world
  • Heart - Reaching out ot the world
Thee Brains® is a line of supplements designed to support the critical relationship between our head, heart, and gut. Together, these three "brains" influence our cognition and support a healthy mind.

Brain Defense supports memory, cognition, brain function, and cardiovascular health by supporting healthy cortisol and C-reactive protein levels already within the normal range. These are the biomarkers of physical stress and signs of everyday stress such as fatigue, occasional sleeplessness, irritability, mild memory loss, and temporary difficulties concentrating. It also supports an acute healthy inflammatory response for a healthy head, heart, and gut.

Non-GMO: Documentation ✔
Mass Spec: Lab Tested ✔
每日 3 粒膠囊,或遵醫囑。
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