PEScience, 精選蛋白質粉,神奇餅乾,29.5 盎司(837 克)
Use this product as a food supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction.Mix one scoop of Select Protein with 8 oz cold water. Amount of water can be adjusted to meet your taste preference. To increase your protein intake per serving or to achieve a richer taste, use non fat or low fat milk or a milk substitute. Consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement through a comination of high protein foods and protein supplements

將 1 勺 Select Protein 與 ~8 盎司冷水混合。可以根據自己的口味偏好調整水量。為了增加每份蛋白質的攝入量,或為獲得更豐富的味道,可以使用脫脂或牛奶替代品。請結合高蛋白食物和蛋白質補充劑以攝取足夠的蛋白質來滿足您的日常蛋白質需求。

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