Source Naturals, 普利醇,10 毫克,60 片
  • 來自甘蔗
  • 支持心血管健康
  • 膳食補充劑

Source Naturals 甘蔗原素屬於 Cholesterol Rescue™ 系列產品,是從天然植物蠟中分離出來的化合物的合劑。甘蔗原素含幾種長鏈脂肪醇,包括二十八烷醇、二十六烷醇和三十烷醇。動物和體外研究顯示,這些化合物可能支援心血管系統,控制脂質過氧化以及支援巨噬細胞活性。


2 tablets, in the evening, for the first three months. Thereafter, 1-2 tablets daily. Source Naturals recommends that a minimum of 15 mg of coQ10 be taken per tablet of policosanol. Some research suggests that coQ10 levels in the body may be lowered by compounds that work on the same metabolic pathways as policosanol.

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