Frontier Natural Products, 有機大蒜鹽,16盎司(453克)
  • 創立於 1976 年的家族企業
  • 對人類和地球負責
  • USDA 認可有機
  • 猶太潔食
  • 未輻照
  • 經 QAI 認可有機



- Use to season stir fries.
- Toss with cooked pasta.
- Mix with green salads or side salads (like pasta, chicken, tofu, or potato).
- Rub or sprinkle on meats, fish, poultry, and tofu before cooking.
- Use to season stuffings for mushrooms.
- Shake on steamed, buttered (if desired) vegetables.
- Add to sauces or gravies for meats, pastas, and vegetables.
- Use to season focaccia, breadsticks, or toasted breads.
- Sprinkle on potatoes before roasting (toss with a little oil first, if desired) or on baked potato.
- Add to any soups, stews, or casseroles.
- Use to enhance grain or bean dishes.
- Use to create salad dressings; simply combine with oil and vinegar or a creamy base like plain yogurt and mayo.
- Add to marinades for meats, poultry, fish, seafood, tofu, and vegetables.
- Combine bread crumbs, wheat germ, melted butter and Garlic Salt. Use to stuff sautéed mushrooms.

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