Twinings, 伯爵夫人散茶,3.5 盎司(100 克)
  • Since 1706
  • Aromatic Black Tea Blend, Infused with Orange, Lemon & Citrus Flavors
  • Loose Tea
  • Light

Loose black tea with citrus peels and citrus flavours. 

This aromatic blend starts with the teas carefully selected from distinct regions, each with their own unique characteristics. This light, mild taste originates from teas grown in the humid, subtropical climates of China and Central Africa, while low-grown teas from India provide its bright amber colour. Orange peel, lemon peel and other citrus fruit flavours are then added to yield a fresh, uplifting tea that just may become one of your new favorites.




倒入 100℃ 沸水。

3-5 分鍾。


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