Quality of Life Labs, 認知·Q、認知支持,200毫克,60素食膠囊
  • Patented Angelica Extract
  • Dietary Supplement
  • This Product is Suitable for Vegetarians and Gluten-Free
  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten Free
  • Non GMO
  • GMP

Improves cognitive function & reduces age-related mild memory decline.

May prevent oxidation of brain cells.

The older we get, the more forgetful we become., losing approximately 10,000 brain cells every single day! Additionally, as we get older, our bodies make fewer of the chemicals our brain cells need to function properly.

Cogni•Q is a breakthrough nutraceutical for cognitive health. Widely used in Korea, the active ingredients of Cogni•Q is derived from a unique cultivar form of angelica.

In a placebo-controlled clinical trial, INM-176 was shown to support cognitive agility in 80 volunteers subjects with mild memory problems associated with aging.

IMN-176 may work by increasing levels of the brain chemical acetylcholine and protecting aging brain cells from free radial damage.


Take 2 vegicaps twice daily with meals.

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