Labrada Nutrition, ISO乳清,全乳清分離蛋白,巧克力, 5 lb (2268 g)
  • Quality Guarantee: If it's on the Label, it's in the Bottle!
  • If it's on The Label, It's in The Bottle!
  • Natural and Artificial Flavor
  • 25 g Protein
  • 0 g Sugar
  • Gluten Free & Lactose Free

Why You Should Use ISO Whey!

Labrada ISO 100% Whey Protein Isolate is perfect for athletes, bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts and dieters who want to supplement their diet with the purest, highest-quality protein.

Labrada ISO 100% Whey Protein Isolate is not a blend containing whey protein concentrate, peptides, or other proteins. You get only 100% pure whey protein isolate as the course of protein.

Labrada ISO 100% Whey Protein Isolate packs 25 g of protein per serving and is an excellent source of all the essential amino acids, including the branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) to provide support for muscle tissue; and glutamine, to promote recovery from exercise.

Labrada ISO 100% Whey Protein Isolate is sugar free, so it's perfect for dieting

Labrada ISO 100% Whey Protein Isolate is lactose free, so there is no bloating, gas, or indigestion associated with cheap proteins.

Labrada ISO 100% Whey Protein Isolate is gluten free, perfect for individuals who must avoid gluten because they suffer from gluten sensitivities.

Labrada ISO 100% Whey Protein Isolate is made by a unique microfiltration process that involves no heat or acid treatment so the result is a pure, superior protein.


玻璃杯:在玻璃杯中裝 4-6 盎司水或您喜愛的飲品。添加 1 勺 ISO 乳清,用勺子混合。 

搖搖杯:在搖搖杯中裝 4-6 盎司水或您喜愛的飲品。添加 1 勺 ISO 乳清。蓋住搖晃。

攪拌機:在攪拌杯中裝 4-6 盎司水或您喜愛的飲品。要獲得乳滑的冰淇淋口味,添加一把冰塊。添加 1 勺 ISO 乳清。蓋住攪拌。

您可以將 ISO 乳清與水、果汁或牛奶混合。為獲得極佳效果,您在鍛煉後應立即使用,此時,您的身體需要可以快速吸收的蛋白質。ISO 乳清也可以與食物一同攝入,以增加蛋白質的攝入。極好與優酪乳、穀類及其它食品混合使用。

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