Jason Natural, 深層潔淨茶樹香體露,2.5盎司(71克)
  • Clinical Results - All Day Odor Protection
  • Since 1959
  • Clinically Tested
  • NO: Aluminum, Parabens, Phthalates or Propylene Glycol

Purifying Tea Tree Deodorant Stick

Enjoy the carefree feeling of all day odor protection you can rely on. Our clinically tested formula of Zinc Ricinoleate, Corn Starch and Baking Soda neutralizes odor, while Tea Tree Oil and Grapefruit Seed Extract, known for their antimicrobial properties, help fight odor-causing bacteria.

Jason brand believes in the power of nature's ingredients to improve everyday wellness. We were pioneers of safer, wholesome personal care, and we continue to harness the earth's bounty of botanicals and essentials for blends that refresh and restore. Wellness is our second nature, and it has been since 1959.


Use on underarms only.

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