Imperial Elixir, Ginseng & Royal Jelly, 10 Bottles, 0.34 fl oz (10 ml) Each
  • New Easy Insert Straw
  • A Healthy Food Product From China
  • In a Honey Base
  • From the Famous Chang Bai Shan Mountains
  • Contains Less Than 0.5% Alcohol

This oral liquid formula combines two of nature's most precious ingredients-Ginseng, the most revered tonic root in China for more than 5,000 years, and Royal Jelly, the primary food for the queen bee.

The 6 year old ginseng roots are carefully gathered in the prestigious Chang Bai Shan Mountains, located in the northeastern province of Jilin (Kirin), China. The fresh royal jelly is a rich source of amino acids, B vitamins (particularly B5), and enzymes. The two together provide many nutrients and a variety of healthful benefits.


Drink 1 or 2 bottles daily as a beverage.

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