Hearos, Ear Plugs, Ultimate Softness, High, NRR 32, 6 Pair
  • Trusted Since 1992
  • Over 400 Million Ear Plugs Sold
  • Noise Reduction Rating - 32 Decibels

Tested according to ANSI Space S3.19-1974

The level of noise entering a person's ear, when hearing protector is worn as directed, is closely approximated by the difference between the A-weighted environmental noise level and the NRR.


Easy Instructions

Ear plugs must be inserted properly for optimum performance.

  1. With clean hands, firmly roll entire ear plug between thumb and fingers to form a thin tight cylinder.
  2. Using one hand, gently lift top of ear up to open ear canal. With other hand, insert rounded end of ear plug.
  3. With forefinger, hold ear plug in place until it expands to form a comfortable, snug fit.

Practice of insertion is recommended. Please refer to the video fitting instructions at Hearos.com. Discard product after several uses or as soon as dirt or wax accumulates on ear plugs.

Attenuation Chart       (ANSI S3.19-1974)
Frequency 125 250 500 1000 2000 3150 4000 6300 8000
Mean Attenuation (dB) 36.1 37.4 39.7 38.6 38.5 44.6 45.4 47.4 48
Standard Deviation (dB) 3.6 4.9 4.3 3.1 2.7 3.2 4.1 3.2 3.2


  1. The environmental noise level as measured at the ear is 92 decibels dB(A).
  2. The NRR is 32 decibels (dB).
  3. The level of the noise entering the ear is approximately 60 dB(A).

The range of noise reduction ratings for existing hearing protectors is approximately 0 to 30 (higher numbers denote greater effectiveness)

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