Thorne Research, FloraSport 20B, 30 Capsules
  • Multi-Strain Probiotic
  • Dietary Supplement
  • NSF- Certified for Sport
  • GI Support
  • Gluten Free

FloraSport 20B is NSF Certified for Sport®. It is a unique probiotic blend that contains 20 billion active cultures per capsule. It provides support for individuals who have high demands on their digestive tract or their immune system due to travel, athletic training and competition, and/or chronic stress. In addition, clinical research supports the use of the specific probiotic formula in FloraSport 20B (HOWARU Restore®) for gastrointestinal health in individuals on an antibiotic regimen. FloraSport 20B is a superior blend of freeze-dried Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and two strains of Bifidobacterium lactis. It comes in individually-sealed blister packs for humidity and temperature control.


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