Celestial Seasonings, 草本茶,睡前薄荷,無咖啡萃取,20袋茶包,1.0盎司(29克)
  • Hain Caffeine
  • Caffeine Free
  • Kosher
  • Gluten Free

Blendmaster's Notes

"Spearmint has always been a key part of classic Sleepytime tea's calming aroma and flavor - and this new tea goes one leaf further. We've added pure peppermint leaves to our time-honored Sleepytime blend of relaxing herbs. It's a cool and calming medley of mints that's especially enjoyable after your evening meal."

-Charlie Baden,

Celestial Seasonings Blendmaster

The Original Bedtime Tea

More than 40 years ago, we created a truly soothing herbal tea to help folks wind down the day. We named it Sleepytime tea, and it quickly became everyone's favorite bedtime tea. Today, our calming Sleepytime blend of botanicals is available in herbal, decaf green and wellness teas, so you can always find the perfect cup for your bedtime routine.

"Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes." - Walt Whitman


Chamomile, spearmint, lemongrass, peppermint, tilia flowers, natural spearmint flavor with other natural flavors, blackberry leaves and orange blossoms.

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