The Face Shop, 微笑足部去角質膜,1對,每片0.67液體盎司(20毫升)

Experience a dramatic change. Your feet will feel as soft as a baby's!

Our special exfoliating foot mask removes calluses and makes feet smooth and soft. Natural plant-derived ingredients soften rough skin and leave your feet feeling fresh and energized.


  • 2 plastic socks
  • 2 sachets of peeling liquid
  1. Place the plastic socks on your feet.
  2. Tear open a packet containing peeling liquid and pour the entire contents into one sock. Repeat for the other sock.
  3. Leave on for 60-90 minutes. Do not leave the product on for more than 90 minutes as the formula contains highly concentrated Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA).
  4. Remove the socks and rinse your feet thoroughly.
  5. The calluses on your feet will start to peel off 4 to 6 days after use. Do not pick your calluses; allow them to come off naturally.
  6. Two weeks after use, nearly all your calluses will come off and your feet will feel baby-soft.
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