Comvita, 蜂膠提取物,特強型,無乙醇,PFL 30,0.8 液量盎司(25 毫升)
  • Protection
  • Supports Immune System
  • Promotes Healthy Oral Hygiene
  • Guaranteed Flavonoid Levels
  • Dietary Supplement

Protection: Comvita Propolis Extract contains Propolis, which is created by bees from the natural resin produced by trees as part of their defence system. Honeybees collect the resin, mix in beeswax and enzymes, and use it to protect the hive.

Comvita Propolis contains a range of bioflavonoids with antioxidant properties known to help maintain a healthy immune system and support oral hygiene.

Comvita PFL stands for Propolis Flavonoid Level and refers to the flavonoid content found in 1 ml of Propolis Extract. PFL 30 delivers at least 30 mg of Propolis flavonoids per 1 ml.

Comvita's Natural Performance Process:

At Comvita we understand nature and the way our bodies work. With our proven natural performance process we harness the power of nature for your health, bringing you high performance ingredients in a pure and powerful form.

  • Understand
  • Research
  • Source
  • Optimise

機體抵抗健康:每日一次,將 1.0 毫升混合于水中,然後吞嚥。口腔衛生:每日一次將 0.5 毫升混合于水中,漱口,然後吞嚥。請勿超過建議的每日攝入量百分比。

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