Sun Potion, He Shou Wu Powder, 2.8 oz (80 g)
  • Di Tao
  • Rejuvenation Tonic
  • Herbal Supplement
  • Prepared Root | 10:1 Extract | Powder
  • Contains 80 Servings

In Joy!

He Shou Wu Extract

Traditional Taoist Herb & Jing Tonic

He Shou Wu holds a history of use as a longevity, beauty & rejuvenation food. May support and nourish healthy hair, skin, nails, nervous system, sexual center, shen (spirit) & jing (primary essence/life force.)

Our Source

10:1 Cold-Water Extract of prepared He Shou Wu Root. Sustainably wildcrafted in the "Di Tao" Region of Origin.


Add 1/2 teaspoon (1 g) in warm water or tea!

Excellent addition to potions, elixirs, smoothies and tonics.

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