Punky Colour, Semi-Permanent Conditioning Hair Color, Lagoon Blue, 3.5 fl oz (100 ml)

Outrageous Color on bleached or chemically-treated hair. Highlight effect on darker hair. No peroxide required. Apply with rubber gloves and tint brush.


Shampoo hair and dry. Use petroleum jelly or baby oil around hairline and on ears. Use rubber gloves. Apply color evenly from hair roots to ends with a tinting brush. Comb through. Leave on approximately 15-30 minutes and then rinse out. Dispose of remaining mixture. Wash hands after application.

Color will fade out with each shampoo and may last for 5-40 washes. Color may last longer depending upon type, condition and porosity of hair. For best results, apply to dry hair, bleached hair first, and do not condition. Avoid contact with skin and clothing, as staining will result.

To Test, use soap, water or alcohol to clean a small area of skin behind ear or on inner surface of forearm. Apply small quantity of hair color to area and allow it to dry. If no irritation or inflammation is apparent, it may be assumed that no hypersensitivity to the dye exists. Do not continue to use in case of irritation. The test should be carried out before each application.

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